Saturday, March 7, 2009

Job Searching

I am in an artificially optimistic state currently because I have a job that does not end for a couple months, and I have yet to be rejected... because I only just started applying. I am trying hard to not let the optimism lull me into complacency. But I will share my optimism with you first so that we can all be happy when something works out. I am currently split pretty 50/50 between the idea of staying in Texas and moving to Washington D.C.

Staying in Texas for another year is in the mix because I want to smooth over the transition between the interim director and the new director whoever that may be. I am a big believer in leaving well when you exit a position and if I stayed through next year I could make sure that the Well and the Fire are in a more stable state before moving on. I am in the position where I know both campuses and many of the students well and I feel that it would be an awesome use of my time. The upside: I love my job (even though it frustrates me sometimes), I know the students, and Nancy would probably let me live with her for an extra year (we get along really well). The downside: my position may not exist next year for budget reasons (if they cut the position I agree with their choice) so half of my heart is hoping for a job that may not be there.

The other half of me wants to move to Washington D.C. to do a year long internship with Sojourners (a magazine connected to Jim Wallis the author of God's Politics). This job seems beyond appropriate for me because it combines three areas that I have expertise: 1. writing (I have a degree in English), 2. Christianity (I am working for a church), and 3. progressive politics (I interned for the ACLU). The job starts in September and goes through August 20th 2010 and it includes: housing, food, medical insurance, and transportation in the city. Admittably I would have to sell my car to pay my student loans, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make for the experience and connections I would get from the internship. Upside: A bunch of friends are clustering in DC next year so it would be a party, I might see Barrack Obama, I would be able to sit in on Congressional hearings and supreme court cases. Downside: I would have to sell my car and there are only 9 spots for a whole country's worth of applicants. Still I checked the box that they could send my applications to others so perhaps something will come of it. My friends who know about it agree that I seem like the perfect candidate, but I do not know if that is going to be enough these days.

In both of these cases my summer would still need to be filled with something. So I am currently looking in to internships with several NGOs that I know about. Today I applied to the TOMS Shoes summer internship program, the start and end dates are perfect if I end up getting the Sojourners internship. If both TOMS and Sojo worked out I would know that it was God setting me off in a direction. Otherwise the summer would probably be spent in Seattle doing some sort of work and hanging out with my friends. I am excited for Aarhead's upcoming wedding... as well as Josh and April's wedding and Sasquatch (I bought a 3 day pass last weekend). I am going somewhere, just don't ask me my end goal... I don't know.

Miss you all, I enjoyed the random phone conversations this week, thanks keeping me company while I walked Duke. LOVE.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Things are going Awesome

I am going to say something that I don't think that I have said since I came to Texas... things are going awesome. And this is going to sound weird by I think it is partially because of a few new years resolutions that I made and have stuck with. Resolutions work for me because I have an amazing will. Some of you may not know this about me, but if I can convince myself something will work, then it does usually it is fantastic. I literally willed myself to jog 12.4 miles once with no training except running twice a month the 3 months prior. But the fact that my resolutions had to do with God probably helped.

One of my more successful resolutions has been to have a quiet time every night before I go to bed. It is amazing. What previously felt like a chore that I intermittantly tried to perform throughout my life now is something that I look forward to. And what is crazier is that it is not a story based devotional, but instead it is more textbook-like, collected essays and related Bible passages. It is sweet, I am not getting bored and I have no idea what I am going to do when I finally do finish up the book. Maybe there is a sequel.

The other one that is working out amazing for me is being supportive of my boss. Now I know that that probably sounds like a no brainer, but if you have been keeping up on this lovely blog you should understand a little of why I was resistant. For a long time it felt like my boss was judging the ministry rather than running it, and I hated that. I disliked that he had the ability to quash it with the drop of a word making everything that I have been pouring my heart into all year end. But I wasn't helping keep it around by being an opponent. So this semester I decided that I had to roll with his decisions. Early on he informed John and I that it was a real possibility that they would hand off the ministries to Intervarsity (a national para-chruch group that does only college ministry) and wash their hands of it, which initially pissed me off. Last semester I would have been totally alienated from my boss and I would have probably harmed the situation more than I helped it. But luckily God had gotten around to talking to me on break, and I decided that if these college ministries were going to be taken further from my control than I would like next year, that I would try and make this transition smooth. I went forth and supported my director while he was making this decision and we found out last week that they are definitely going to keep both ministries, and not give them away to Intervarsity. This makes me happier than I can say.

I just tried and I honestly can't think of something that is going badly right now, more is going good, but those are some of the highlights. Soon enough I will put pictures on this blog, but I figure keeping away the visuals keeps my words valuable.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Re-entry in Texas Life

So I was coming back to Texas and I was waiting in the Sea-tac for my plane. I had just had to sneak out mid-sermon from Bethany and come rushing down I-5 to make the plane. Kefi and Mom had agreed to go to church with me so that they could see more of me and see me fly off and I just just minutes before left them watching me as a passed through security. And I will admit it, I was very sad at this moment. Break had been perfect, I had seen almost everyone that I needed to, I had spent tons of time with my family and I had gotten to eat my father's cooking for days on end including his famous lasanga, and I wasn't looking forward to returning to the place I am living this year. The place were these people and that food are absent. So I called Camille.

I called Camille also because we were going to meet inside the airport for an hour before I left and after Camille flew back in, but I had read my ticket wrong and planned based on my layover's time. So essentially I had to tell her not to search the airport for me when she arrived in Seattle. So while on the phone with her she asked me how I was feeling about it and I confessed that I was sad, and then she told me that she had felt the same way as she left Wisconsin, and then at her layover in Chicago she had felt much better and started looking forward to coming back to Seattle again. I found this to be a comforting perspective and as I flew into Denver, I realized that I felt similarly. There is something about that in between place that makes you feel that you want to be in your destination starting what is beginning there. So upon coming back to Texas I was ready to get life started to here again.

Life here has considerably more responsibilities, including car maintenance. Before I had left Nancy (my host mom) had called and told me that my car was refusing the start. It was unlikely that it would be something so easy as the battery dying and needing a jump because Daniel and Sarah had replaced that last summer. So I tried starting my car for myself and it turning out that many of the lights were coming on, but it was still refusing to start. So I had an adult moment (which are still rare because I only just graduated) and I called an autoshop, who gave me the name of a tow truck. The man came and I handed him my key chain and my most expensive possession, and they hauled my car to an autoshop that I had never seen and strangers that I didn't know the names of. It was a surreal moment to be sure. But amidst that situation I found that I had more friends than I realized. Nancy was flying out to Cabo San Lucas on Monday (the day I was figuring all this out) and would not be able to take me to the shop to pick up my car. In anticipation of this I had called Laura who lives just a short drive from me and asked if she would take me there when they called me back. Unfortunately when that moment came she wasn't near her phone and did not answer. It was getting late and I needed my car so I could drive to work the next morning, so I called my friend Dee Dee and she was completely willing to drive over and take me to the shop.

Since then I have been furiously trying to win our family's competition, planning for the coming semester, and building on the base of people that I know here. It has taken me a while to balance my work and my life here, but it is improving incredibly. I have spent time with non-student friends at least four times a week since I came back (which is a miracle). Dee Dee and I have plans to try and find dance classes to take together (we are currently looking at hip-hop and salsa) and also potentially taking Spanish as a second language. I feel like John and I have been working amazingly well together since the Intern retreat. I have started to be consistent about my quiet times going through the book my church gave me for graduation on the 12 spiritual disciplines. The truth of the matter is that I do miss home, but the other part of that truth is that I don't have to dislike Texas to honor how much I loved life in Seattle.

Pray for me as I figure out what I am doing next year. I am pretty sure that I won't stay in Texas, but that means that I am now starting to job hunt again, which in this economy is not something I look forward to. Love.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gifts and Resolutions

The biggest and best gift that I received this Christmas was a plane ticket home from my parents. This year they invested in getting the family together rather than expanding our possessions, which was wonderful. It was the first time since last October that all of the Lewis children were in one place at one time, and this time was more quality because no one was planning a wedding. We had a ton of fun playing games, watching movies, harassing Dad, and just generally being with one another. It was very sad to watch everyone fly away one by one until I did the same thing yesterday. But it is comforting to to know that our next reunion is in sight. On August 10th we will be getting together in the exotic northern country of Canada for Jen and Aaron's wedding. I should get a list going of all the stereotypically Canadian things we should do while we are there (say eh, be extremely polite, love the queen of England...).

Anyhow here are a few highlights of this break: High Tea with the women of the family complete with English (and one norwegian) accents, winning Texas Hold'em, getting a jet on Rockband with Kefi (Band Name: Van Go Gogh Girls), sledding, going to a houseband metal concert (complete with hardcore dancing... ask for details), partying it up with Amy on New Year's Eve, playing with my nephew, and completing lots and lots of puzzles.

So now for the New Year's Resolutions... A Partial List:
1. I will blog weekly... so that I discontinue my trend of speaking when things are going wrong while forgetting to mention things that are going awesome
2. I will comprehensively organize my finances (CHECK! already completed)
3. I will do daily quiet times
4. I will support my new boss better
5. Invest more in friendships not related to college ministry... so that my job isn't my whole life